Guadalupe Zuniga is the most recent person who is going on a Project 611: Nurture the World mission trip. Below, you can read her thoughts as she prepares to leave for Tegucigalpa, Honduras on Sunday, March 10th.
Isaiah 61:11
The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners.
Psalms 23:3-4
...he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake. Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

becoming. I know that no matter what I do and where I go, God will provide for me and for Project 611. I am excited as this will be my first trip for the organization, but sad in the sense of feeling unworthiness. I think that when we try to do things out of our own will, we will ALWAYS fall short, but when we let the loving, guiding, hand of God guide us, we will never fail. Naturally we are imperfect creatures, but when we are filled with the Holy Spirit nothing can stop us. That is what keeps me refocused and also energized to keep on going. I am reminded of a worship song by Chris Tomlin that says that God uses the weak to lead the strong. (song- your grace is enough)
The bbq is less than a week away and I can’t help thinking that in about 2 weeks I will be ending my trip in Honduras. At that point I will be writing about the experience as a whole, about the people that I would have met, and the kids that God will have allowed me to meet. I can’t wait to meet them. I don’t know them yet, but my heart already feels so much for them! I can’t help but wonder HOW MUCH MORE is God’s love is for us since He has known and loved us from the very beginning of time.
I guess that as a teacher my heart is already connected to children and wanting to help.
-Will my teacher skills help my Honduras babies?
I feel unprepared in the sense that one can always do more to improve, but I think that we never feel completely prepared. Moses would be the perfect example. He didn't feel worthy and yet Moses was able to see God and have an experience with the Creator in a way that no other human has. He lead the Israelites out of Egypt where they EVENTUALLY ended up in the promised land.
Can’t wait to learn about a different culture. Interactions?
"Quiero Ver" is a song by Marcela Gandara and it describes how she wants God to hold her hand and not to let go. She wants to be like a sheep that can recognize the voice of her pastor. I want to be like that. My calling is to help others and extend love like Jesus did/does.
Toma mi mano no me sueltes, quiero ir donde tu vas, adonde tu estas. He decidido en esta vida obedecer tus palabras de amor, tus consejos y tu voz. CORO Quiero ver la estrella en el camino para ir, adonde tu me quieras dirigir, el tramo. Quiero ser, oveja que conoce bien tu voz, confiada en el cayado del pastor, con un dócil corazón. Que nunca pierda de mi vista el hacer tu voluntad, en mi caminar. Y si mis ojos ya no te pudieran ver, por que débil soy señor, dame fuerzas, tuya soy
Complete song in Spanish
This is so amazing!!!