This is the next installment from Guadalupe's journals as she travels for Project 611 Nurture the World: Honduras.
It's really happening! It's official! I never in my wildest dreams thought that I would be doing something like this! Nate, Shara, Regina, The Crossroads Church,
everyone has been so amazing! I honestly don't know how those people trust me, Lupe, to go to Tegucigalpa, Honduras.
God is good, God is great! God is wonderful! I am so blessed to have this opportunity. Even though I will be ashy, hair super/mega frizzy, with stinky breath because TSA took some of my toiletries, God will provide.
I have the honor of working with an amazing team that has the same vision that I do!! That's what makes us different. I appreciate everyone that has come to support spiritually, mentally, and financially. It truly means a lot! I only ask that I be completely submitted to His will and His will alone for me, and that everyone I come in contact with on this trip sees Jesus, not me.
I hope you're having a wonderful time. I can't wait to hear about this trip! Praying that it blesses you as you bless others!